It is with much gratitude to local Ultra Marathon Power Walker, Jacquie Farris and her Oak Bay High School Grad class of 1968 that we are excited to announce our 100K Walk for Ian's Sore Eyes in June 2010. To celebrate her 60th birthday, Jacquie will dedicate her 13-14hr 100k power walk to raise funds for Ian's medical costs while building public awareness about SJS.
Jacquie is herself an SJS survivor, living with significant permanent loss of the use of both hands and constant pain caused by complex regional pain syndrome & functional digit joint/tendon issues, which occurred as secondary complications to SJS which she initially experienced in 2002.
Ian's team is busy preparing the logistics of the event, so please check back for a confirmed date and further details as to how you can participate or contribute. For more information about SJS please visit www.milnesjs.com