Friday, July 2, 2010

Thank You for a great Party

A Huge Thank You to all of our supporters who came out to volunteer or participate at our "Party in the Park". The weather was wonderful, although the wind was not too kind to our tents! I'm delighted to say that we were on the evening news and our event finished with a visit from the Minister for Healthy Living, so a big push for SJS Awareness.

Huge Congratulations to Jacquie Farris, who finished her 100km walk with flair and her endurance is a great inspiration to us all.

Unfortunately, our photographer was involved in a car accident and as such we have no photos for display yet. The most important thing right now though, is that we send hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back on your feet.

Thanks to everyone's generosity, we will be off to Boston for Ian's next appointment at the Boston Foundation for Sight, where we look forward to meeting other children and their families as we get together for SJS Kids Week - the first ever gathering of it's kind in the world.