Hi All, Well it's that time of year again, where the recyclables are piling up for the holidays. We have an account at the Bottle Depot on Quadra Street and Alpine in Langford (Sunday - Friday's if possible). If you bring the recyclables to the depot just let them know that you would like to have some or all of the deposit refund applied to the Milne SJS Society account. Recyclable donations will be accepted up to and including January 31, 2010.
Ian is already scheduled for his lens refit in Boston in July 2010 and we are gearing up for reconstructive surgery of his eyelids but don't have a date yet. However, we do know that the cost will be high, so we are starting our 2010 fundraising with gusto!. Please pass this on to all of your contacts, church members, friends, family, work colleagues or organisations who may want to donate bottles or cans from christmas parties or office bottle drives. If you need a flyer just email me at milnesjs@shaw.ca and I will happily forward it to you. For more information visit www.milnesjs.com
Thank you as always, I don't know what we would do without your ongoing support. A healthy, happy and prosperous holiday season and New Year to you all.
Thank you for sharing! I always take my used bottles to a bottle depot in Calgary, but I would love to find a charitable cause like this to give to.